Wednesday, May 25, 2005


Why is it an impossible task for people like myself to keep a home picked up? Why is that I can spend hours on end organizing, shuffling junk from one room to another, sorting piles of stuff (for lack of a better term) - just to turn around and the mess be there again the next day - or sooner? This is a continuing problem in my life. I try and I try never to be satisfied or content with a clean home. Many of my closest friends and family would tell you that the majority of the time when they phone me, "I'm cleaning" is the most common phrase out of my mouth. I'm sick of it!!! There are so many more pleasant things to do with ones time and I've had about enough cleaning for my lifetime 10 times over. I've got to come up with a plan, something to end this chaotic cycle of my life. But what?

Maybe I need to start inviting people over constantly. Maybe knowing that in a few hours somebody will be sitting on my living room sofa, either enjoying a clean, pleasant home or a pig pen of an apartment. To know that tomorrow, and the day after, and the day after somebody will see my place. Would I make the extra effort then?

Maybe I need to throw away everything that creates this excess in my space. I've thrown out plenty already with our move, but there is more - tons more. If I don't use, if it doesn't have it's own place I need to throw it away (not to make room for more of the same, of course).

Maybe I need to stop spending so much time at home. My apartment can't get messy if I'm not here, right? I'll just go enjoy my time other places. I'll go enjoy the luxuries of somebodies elses AC, cable, and internet services this summer --- but who's?

Maybe I can hire a cleaning service to come in and deal with this place once a week or so. I could use the break that's for sure! To let someone else deal with my junk... but wait. I think cleaning services only do the basics like vacuuming, dusting, cleaning the bathroom... those are the household duties I could live with. I need someone to tackle to mountain of dirty laundry, the chaotic mess of paperwork, and the assortment of junk, that can not even be classified, that litters my floors.

I need a professional organizer. I need to be purged by the best of 'em. I need "Clean Sweep".
I love that television show, but in all honesty my home does not compare to the houses that frequent my favorite cable network... and I'm proud to say that.

If anybody has any suggestions for me, I could use them. I'm desperate here...

Help me...
Help m...

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