Friday, May 20, 2005

The craft queen WILL reign

I want to be crafty. I set my heart on new projects all of the time and I fail to complete them. That will not be the case anymore. I'm making a vow, a promise. I will be crafty! Here is a list of different crafts that over my lifetime I would like to master.

Cake Decorating

I know that this list contains crafts from all ends of the speculum... is that the word??? It almost sounds right, but doesn't... Maybe I've just been a labor and delivery nurse for too long.... I know for sure that an OB/GYN uses a speculum, but is that the word I'm fishing for here? I don't know... but it is 3:30 in the morning and I'm allowed to not know - okay!

Anyhow, for one who has difficulty sitting still long enough to learn, let alone master, I have a lot of work ahead of me. Hopefully I have a lot of years too. I vow this morning to myself and the world, I will be crafty... and maybe I'll buy a dictionary too.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Now it's the next morning (or afternoon actually), I'm awake read the post and realize it's spectrum. Thanks Jayme for saving me there. When I'm tired I can't think all too clearly! Now you need to get posting. I'm trying to catch up!