Thursday, September 11, 2008

In Memory Of

In the hustle and bustle of my day, I'm embarrassed to even admit, that the thought of September 11th and the significance behind this day only momentarily entered my mind. Fortunately this evening I came across a website that has had me in tears and taking the time to remember and honor the fallen of our country. Project 2,996.

Denise E. Crant (Hackensack, N.J.)

Denise Crant was 46 years old when she lost her life in the terrorist attack on the north tower of the World Trade Center. She worked on the 93rd floor in the facilities department of Marsh U.S.A. She left behind a number of family and friends whose lives will never be the same from having held her in their hearts.

"Denise, who I called Dee Dee, was a walking angel. She gave so much to so many people. Those that she touched shall never forget her, the glow that flowed from her was kindness and generosity. I miss and love you, Dee. Thanks for being my guardian angel." - Katherine W.

"Dee Dee: you achieved an amazing success in life by how deeply you touched so many lives, including mine. I miss and think of you always. I can laugh and smile just thinking of what fun we had being in NY together. It has been so diminished without your light." - Brother John

"I came across a note from Denise tonight and thought about what a fun, warm, generous person she was to everyone she met. I remember nothing but an exceptional person who worked very hard and was deserving of every good thing in life. She loved her family, golf, New York City and especially her brother. She will be missed by all whose lives she touched. " - Dale H.

"She was a bright, shining star in the universe and her light will never leave us." - Aunt Pat

"Her girlish giggle is still in my ears, giving me grief over my "Out of Towners" nervousness about New York. She told me to come see her (with my husband) and she would show us the city and we would have a blast. I will never forget that last conversation. She loved New York and was extremely happy to be back." - Debbie A.

"We will always admire you because you followed your dreams. You have inspired us. You are close to our hearts and in our prayers. We love you." - Cousin Sharon

"You were a wonderful friend with a beautiful spirit. I miss you." - Melissa L.

Having read the many, many tributes and notes left to Denise since that day 7 years ago, I can only assume that she was a person of great character and her light is still shining on.


Cathy said...

Thank you for taking the time to remember Denise.

Becky said...

Thank you for finding this site. I found myself extra touched by the anniversary this year. I had to honor someone as well.