Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Minimizing my life: Step 1

A couple of weeks ago I spent an entire day purging and organizing me and my husband's large walk-in closet. We have had such an issue with laundry and not being able to keep the clothing we have washed and put away that I decided that it was time for a major overhaul. So, I sorted and I put away, and I sorted and I stored away, and I sorted and I gave away so many clothes - it's absolutely incredible how many articles of clothing we had and still have.

Unfortunately all of that work, and being able to see my floor, did not last. Our laundry has taken over again. I really need help, I need a system. I am planning today to continue with a second round of purging. I have quite a few laundry baskets of clean clothes that need to be fluffed and hung up, and I have quite a few piles of dirty clothes that I need to tackle.

The ladies over at Handprints on the Wall, had a great post yesterday about their desire to become minimalists and they have started with their closets. It's oh too true that many of us have too many items of clothing and many that never get worn. I admit I'm a little ashamed at how much "stuff" I have and want to weed down to what I feel is a more moderate amount. I'm mentally and emotionally not quite at the same level as these girls, and am sure to keep my closet a little more cozy with clothing, but I'm going to work on minimizing my life.

So today is round two, I'm going up against my laundry giant and I'm hoping to win. Do you have any good tips for keeping your laundry and clothing at bay? A laundry schedule, or are you a clothing minimalist? I'd love to hear! I'm needing all of the help I can get!


Anonymous said...

That's so great that you are at least ready to dive in and find a few things that you can live without. Baby steps! You might surprise yourself once you get going, and toss more than you thought you could! We'd love to see some pic's of your accomplishments!

(By the way, will you link again on our linky, it didn't work the first time. Thanks!!)

Alexis Jacobs said...

I used to save all the laundry until Sundays, but I found that overwhelming with the amount of laundry a family of 5 produces. So instead I have taken to doing a load a day. That seems less stressful. What I am horrible about is putting it all away. I need to put it away as it gets finished. But instead the folded laundry seems to gather until the basket is full for each person before I get to it.