Thursday, October 13, 2005

What a night...

My body is retaliating. It knows that I'm not a night sleeper. I haven't been for six months. Why should last night have been any different? Because I work today! I told myself this every hour, sometimes more often than every hour last night. I felt like I was awake A-L-L night long. I even took a low dose, prescription sleeping pill to help me relax and dream the night away. Well, it did not work. I finally arose out of bed at 5am thinking that another 30 minutes of lying there may cause me to dose into some good sleep and despise my alarm and the day ahead sooner than later. As of right now I pray that I had enough sleep to get me to 7:30pm. I hope that I'm not going to be a zombie and that I'm not going to get a sleep headache, which may already be weaseling its way into my skull. Here's to another day on day shift!

I get to sleep in tomorrow.
I get to sleep in tomorrow.
I get to sleep in tomorrow.

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